Monday 31 August 2015

RPG a Day 2015: Wrap-up!

So, this August was RPG a Day 2015, and I have made a bunch of posts about it. Last year I did a mixture of blog posts and YouTube videos, but this year almost everything I've posted has been on my YouTube channel.

Here's the wrapup video, covering the last three days of 2015's project:

Now, this video had a lot of references, so here are some of the links:

Blogs I am currently enjoying reading or wish would update more include:

Also, one of the nice things about RPGaDay is that it brings out the posts from friends such as Out of my Mind, The Anxious Gamer and others. There are others I should be linking to -- honestly, I should just set up a proper sidebar. 

The writer I mention in the post, Ta-Nehisi Coates, writes about history, politics and comic books. I can't imagine why I like him so much!

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